After a rather cool and dry spring, together with long windy periods, the summer of 2019 looks warm. The flowering and knotting went well. Yield forecasts, for now, appear satisfactory. The work in green (paling, pruning) is finished, the last ploughing is being carried out. We will look after the young plants, planted this year, following our replacement program and we will water if necessary. Château Beauchêne, is not irrigated at the moment. Some young plots, if necessary in the coming years, could benefit from an additional water supply. The old plots, especially at Châteauneuf du Pape, can draw water in depth thanks to their very deep roots. Our job is to encourage the vines to dive deep. That's why we don't always water the young vines when the first heatwave comes. Our choices of grape varietal renewal (Mourvèdre for example more resistant to heat) were decided, in other hand, with the aim of being as little dependent as possible on the water factor in the future. The
The Châteauneuf du Pape 2018, after 8 months in vat in the cellar, will be put in our demi-muids this beginning of the month, and stay for a good year.

Our friends the bees forage with intensity, the honey begins to be stored.
The osmium nest boxes were installed this spring: these little wild bees are for us, a permanent control of our biodiversity. They contribute to the pollination of the wild plant species that surround us but also to the pollination of nearby agricultural areas. Bat nest boxes have also been installed: these small animals allow a natural control of possible insect pests of the vine. The ensemble participates in our agro-ecological approach committed by Beauchêne for several years, validated by the HVE certification obtained 6 months ago. Beyond obtaining this label, it is indeed a constant work to maintain biodiversity on the field, combining sustainable agriculture and respect for the environment.
Maintaining buffer-refuge zones around plots- Nest Let's bat